On first sight, the jean was all functional. And then the journey started towards the style leader. If you’re visiting the closet of your father or selling a neighbourhood yard in pursuit of vintage looks and clothing, you might just be a supporter of Heritage clothing. And the jean is one of them.
The pure American heritage. And it all started with nothing. A normal garment which got featured in the movies and worn by the stars

The jeans were represented by the cowboys very neatly and perfectly. If we talk about movies which were made in the mid90’s most probably every cowboy was wearing the jeans. And the reason behind cowboys wearing the jeans is that the most probably they used to wok in the fields and farms. A cowboy is an animal herder who, traditionally on horseback, tends cattle on ranches in North America and often plays a variety of other ranch-related duties.

Jeans is a part of the cowboy family. At the start, and when we talk about the john wayne it seems like that the baggy one won’t look that good, but then he wore that and somehow it worked. And not like that after producing one they stopped they kept evolving the design of the jeans. Some manufacturers have represented every era they were going through. Like back in 60’s bale bottoms, in 70’s the flare the, then slightly skinny jeans and in 90’s the JNCO. like so many brands and the types were revolving in the mind of the manufacturers and levis was no.1 in embracing the trends. They have well designed every object and the edge of the jeans.

The changes were emerging into the denim industry needs of the customer and some of them really wanted customization. And here for some manufacturers, the customization was the first priority and then the fashion. Four pieces of the fabric were gathered to make a pair of the jean. cause the more seams will give more distressing/ripped part. And the jeans which are designed here at tailored jeans doesn’t need any pencils or any kind of special design it is clean and pure as the water of the river.

If we talk about the women jean then in 1934, the first women jeans came in the existence and then after the 20 years the actress started wearing it and it was a really charming and it was giving the glamorous status to the women. So here I would love to talk about the Marilyn Monroe, we can see that she used to look so stunning and the sizzling in that jean apparel.

So this is how jeans were raised by the cowboys in North America. From bell bottoms till now the skinny ripped and then customized. the cowboys love the jeans the way they love their horses. Stay connected for the next blog. Which could be about the customization.